Garden Blessing and Pride Potluck
On June 11th, following the 10am Service we will be formally naming and blessing the expanded community garden at 11am. Immediately following the dedication, from 11:30am – 12:30pm, we will be hosting our first annual Pride Potluck.
Please try to bring an item in the colors of one of the pride flags (but anything edible will be enjoyed!). Note: while beloved by the long-standing communities they represent, most of these flags were designed since 2010, so if you don’t recognize them it’s fine! Here is a quick glossary for unfamiliar terms.
Some examples of potential dishes:
– A plate with raspberries, grapes, and blueberries for the bisexual pride flag
– A salad with lettuce, arugula, white radish, and black beans for the aromantic pride flag
– A jello mold with layers in baby blue, baby pink, clear, baby pink, and baby blue for the trans prideflag
– And of course, cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles can never go wrong!
Dishes will go on a long table arranged by flags, labeled please for common allergies (peanut butter, gluten, lactose, etc). The community gardeners will be donating colorful centerpieces that include green carnations and lavender sprigs.
This should be a creative, joyful chance to celebrate Pride Month as a community and engage in the enriching fellowship that is sharing food and drink with friends old and new. In this moment, it feel more necessary than ever to be clear that queer and trans people are beloved members of and leaders in our community. We hope you can come to the service, the dedication, the potluck, or all three! The address is: 7269 Santa Teresa Blvd, San José, CA 95139. Please reach out to Jessica Dickinson Goodman with any questions (650-804-9044 |